MAST strives for securing quality drinking water to drought affected villages facing acute water crisis through their project Trusha. Water of satisfactory quality is the fundamental indicator of health and well being of a society and hence, crucial for the development of a country.
Water is connected to every form of life and is the basic human need, equally important as air. Water is connected to every aspect of human day-to-day activities directly or indirectly, therefore we at MAST India made sure to provide safe and clean drinking water to various villages which were drought effected.
Getting sufficient and quality water for drinking is a major challenge in areas reeling under severe drought.
Drought conditions worsen the drinking water availability in such regions.
MAST reached out to the drought affected villages in Vidarbha and Marathwada as an immediate relief measure through Project Trusha.
1). To provide immediate relief to the drought affected villages from four districts suffering from acute water shortage
2). MAST provided 200 water storage tanks with a storage capacity of 3000 litres each.
3). The water storage tanks were distributed in 120 villages in Ahmednagar, Beed and Akola districts from Maharashtra.
4). Quality drinking water was supplied continuously through tankers from 15 April 2016 to 15 June 2016.
Project Trusha
Project Trusha
Project Trusha